Drumlabooh | Драмлабух

Free LV2/VSTi drum machine for Linux and Windows

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March 29 2025 - 7.0.0 release

In this version, I removed a lot of legacy code and rewrote SFZ reader, so now Drumlabooh can load alsmost any existing SFZ drumkit, but SFZ's "inlcude" directive and round robin options are not supported.
Drumlabooh's own kit format is extended to make complex kits creation easier, you can define the kit part at the single file, and use its file name at the whole kit definition. This brokes Drumlabooh kit compatibility with my legacy drum machine Drumrox, but all previously created and simple kits are stays compatible. Unfortunately, at this moment no new extended format kits are created.
And for now the state of formats support is following:
Drumlabooh: up to 36 instruments per kit, multi layer (127 layers per instrument), round robin options, note mapping. The ability to clone the kit with sessions sample rate to make it load faster.
Quick Kit: the simplified Drumlabooh kit format that allows user load external samples directly with GUI.
SFZ: up to 36 instruments per kit, multi layer (127 layers per instrument), note mapping, sample offset.
Hydrogen: up to 36 instruments per kit, multi layer (127 layers per instrument, but 16 is the limition of the format).
Smart "hihats mute" works automatically for all formats. All pan and volume settings hardcoded to drumkit are ignored to the favour of Drumlabooh built-in mixer.


29 марта 2025 - релиз 7.0.0

Полностью переписана поддержка SFZ, расширен собственный формат Лабуха (однако новые киты с расширениями еще не готовы, поэтому и не буду подробности). Изменения обработки зависимости миди-скорость и слой инструмента для китов формата Лабуха. Словом, всё стало лучше.

Made by Peter Semiletov | Создано Петром Семилетовым

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